If you're not sure what version of Office you have, see What version of Office am I using? Not sure which type of install you have? Click here for the Latest updates for versions of Office that use Windows Installer (MSI).
See Check for Office for Mac updates automatically. After the installation completes, your new version of Office should update automatically, or you might get a notification an update is ready to apply. When you're ready to install the latest version (either a subscription or non-subscription version of Office), follow the steps in Download and install or reinstall Office on a PC or Mac. Penn Law students, faculty, and staff should download Office ProPlus from Penn Law's Office 365 site. Please note that at this time, the Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) is not participating in the program. This service is provided to all eligible members of the Penn community. Office 365 ProPlus features a full version of Microsoft Office, which includes: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, Teams, and more.
PennO365 provides full-time Penn students, faculty and staff at participating Schools and Centers with access to Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus services and applications.